Little Rock Baptist Church: 1993 Annual Report

Subjects: Annual Report
Description: This report encourages the church to push for greatness not only when it comes to the Word of God but also in the community. Here two terms are mentioned several times, redemptive passion and responsive action. It them goes into how those terms interconnect with each other and in everyday life. Also mentioned is the importance of how it takes many people to make a great ministry in context of innovation, implementers, intercessor and investors. Closing the program is the pastors census, calendar of events praise report and “Seven promises from God”, which takes various scriptures from the Bible stating his promises.
Date: 1993
Format: Text/jpg
Original Format: Annual Report
Language: English
Rights Management: Little Rock Baptist Church
Contributing Institution: Array
Contributor: Sherell Wiggins
Transcript: Push For Greatness
A flier with a Bible and money bad with a saying from Mathew 13:52 “Every teacher who has been instructed and trained, and has become a disciple, brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and old”.

Morning Hymn
Entitled “We Are Climbing Jacobs Ladder”

Responsive Reading
This is from Peter 5:6-11. It is a page that the minister and congregation will recited, with their respective parts, about hope, growth, expectation and faith.

Letter From The Pastor
Here Pastor Holley emphasizes the push for greatness. He speaks on how the Bible is part of a universal truth that never changes and to spread the Word a great ministry needs a team of people to accomplish that. Also, mentioned are the concepts of redemptive passion and responsive action in the context of seeking and saving the lost through evangelism as well as to be the “doers” of the world in their actions. He encourages the congregation to catch the vision and joyously take part in God's work as they push for greatness.

This passage touches on how God does not excuse them from service and without a vision people parish. It states that at Little Rock is not only obedient to the Lord's command but their vision is to employ every means to mediate the mind of Christ, build people and follow thought with God's primary plan of developing men and women disciples.

Starts off with the saying of “When there is no vision, people become personally destructive and when people lose faith they fall into decay”. It states that Little Rock is to implement the prophetic vision of redemptive passion and through this vision it produced responsive action. Through responsive action they shall become implementers of the Word of God by getting involved in social needs.

It speaks of the need for prayer partners (intercessors) to meet the needs of hurting humanity. It also says that true visions leads to venture and venture leads to victory when you act upon the Word of God.

S.W.A.T. Street Outreach Ministry
Soul winning action team (SWAT) , their job is to actively proclaim God's word though evangelism. They consider Christians more like an army ready to march rather than people wanting to be entertained. They urge the fellow Christians to help and influence those who may not know, or don't follow the Word.

It states how finances pertains to giving. Starting off with, according to the Bible, money and attitude is a great measurement on the authenticity of ones spirituality. The concept of money for a Christian is: how they feel about, how they earn it, how they spend it, and how they give it. It states that love should be given out of love, it then goes into the different types of giving which are, “tithe”(required giving) and “free-will giving” (sacrificial offerings). It shows how free will giving is a matter of sacrifice determine by one's heart and not how much they give.

Biblical History Of Giving
Gives a brief history of the Biblical history of giving and how it pertains to thing like tithe and how important it is for freewill offerings to God.

Pastor's Census
Recordings of the number of sermons preached, marriages performed, funerals conducted, and members baptized. Also included are the numbers of the Soul Winning Action Team.

1993 Calender of Events
An attentive yearly calender of church events and celebrations.

Pastor's Advisory Board/ Board Of Trustees
List of advisory board members, deacons and trustees.

Praise Report
A list of accomplishments for that year. This includes expansion, new members, service in the community and more.

Seven Promises Of God
Various scriptures taken from the Bible pertaining to what God promises.